Cyber Security Illustration

Cyber Security Awareness Month with Sharp

October is Cyber Security Awarness Month, and we're sharing classroom resources to help spread of this important topic. Get involved now!

Download your free school resource pack today

Our bundle includes classroom posters, top tips, pledge sheets, slides, leaflets and worksheets.

Helping our Children to Stay Cyber Smart

Studies reveal that Generation Z are the “most Internet-dependent generation” (Business Wire Inc, 2021). Ensuring that this generation, who have been brought up with technology at their fingertips are also brought up to understand the cyber threat landscape, the types of cyber crimes they may encounter and how to stay safe whilst online can be difficult to navigate. 

Do our children know how to identify a cyber threat? Do they know what makes a strong password, how to identify a Phishing email or what 'Social Engineering' is?

This Cyber Security Awareness month, we're sharing resources for both students and staff, to help spread awareness on how we can all stay safer online.

Cyber Security Schools