People working at computers

IT Services Peterborough

Your local outsourced IT Support team in Peterborough

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Tailored IT Support in Peterborough

Sharp are a leading provider of IT Support, offering numerous IT Services in Peterborough, including IT Support, IT Consulting, and Cyber Security, all managed from our local Peterborough office. Our team of technical experts deliver personalised IT Support tailored to the distinctive needs of businesses and organisations in Peterborough and surrounding areas. We cater to organisations of all sizes and sectors, drawing upon our vast expertise and track record to provide your organisation with reliable IT support.

Recognising the unique IT requirements of each organisation, we offer a varied range of IT Services in Peterborough to address your specific technological needs effectively. From Disaster Recovery and around-the-clock IT assistance with our 24/7 Helpdesk Support Team to Cloud Solutions, Microsoft Solutions, and Cloud-based Telephony, our wide-ranging IT Services are constructed to give you maximum value from your technology investments, while ensuring unwavering reliability in your day-to-day operations.

Sharp IT Support Thames Valley

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IT Services in Peterborough

Our IT Support Solutions for organisations in Peterborough

Cloud Solutions in Peterborough

As a reliable IT Support Provider in Peterborough, we offer guidance in navigating the complexities of Cloud Solutions. Whether you're contemplating migrating to the cloud or looking to optimise your existing cloud infrastructure, our team can help. The first step is conducting a thorough assessment of your organisation's requirements and objectives, providing personalised recommendations to meet your unique requirements. 

From selecting the right cloud platform to configuring and managing your cloud environment, we ensure a smooth transition and ongoing support. Our expertise extends to applying robust security measures to protect your data and applications in the cloud, as well as optimising performance and scalability to meet your evolving demands. With our unwavering support, you can leverage the full potential of cloud technology to drive innovation, agility, and growth for your organisation.

Man and woman providing remote IT Support

Managed IT Services in Peterborough

Whether you need a helping hand to support your existing in-house IT team or are looking for a local IT Support Provider in Peterborough to take care of all your IT and technology needs, Sharp’s IT specialists provide tailored IT Support and Services expertly designed to help you reach your business goals.

Our IT Support in Peterborough goes further than just resolving technical issues you may encounter; it also involves taking the time to understand how your organisation runs, understand your specific needs, business objectives, and day-to-day activities. Our goal is to become a part of your team, forming a close working relationship. 

Located in Peterborough, we offer support and services to facilitate the growth, productivity, and efficiency of your organisation.

Equipped with a dedicated team of Technical Consultants, Account Managers, and a responsive Helpdesk Support Team, you'll have access to a group of friendly and eager technical experts with substantial IT expertise. Any challenges you have will be addressed swiftly and effectively, providing reassurance that you can rely on an experienced IT team with years of experience behind them.

Cyber Security

24/7 IT Helpdesk Support in Peterborough

Included in a IT Support package is access to a local Helpdesk that handles your IT requests from 8am to 6pm. Staffed by a team of highly skilled and approachable IT professionals, our Helpdesk is always ready to assist you TO swiftly and efficiently resolve any IT issues your team may encounter.

After the typical business hours of 9am to 5pm, our 24/7 IT Support Service takes over to provide ongoing assistance. This dedicated service, run by an equally skilled team of IT experts, supports organisations in Peterborough that operate beyond standard business hours. With this additional service, you can maintain continuous operations, giving your teams the confidence of having round-the-clock IT support every day of the week.

Helpdesk professional on telephone call with client

Learn more about our range of IT Services in Peterborough

Hosted Telephony in Peterborough

Our Cloud-based VoIP Hosted Telephony solution is designed to provide organisations in Peterborough with exceptional flexibility, enabling seamless work from any location and on any device. With just a Wi-Fi connection, you can easily manage calls from your desk phone, mobile phone, or laptop, ensuring you stay connected and never miss critical calls, whether you're on the move or away from your desk. The Hosted Telephony features are extensive, including call recording, CRM integration, and a transparent licensing structure, which boost your team's productivity while working remotely or on the go.

Our fully cloud-based Hosted Telephony solution offers a future-proofing measure for organisations in Peterborough. Empowering you to operate with enhanced intelligence, efficiency, and security, our solution paves the way for a more agile and resilient business environment.

Microsoft Solutions in Peterborough

We provide support to our clients across several Microsoft Services, which include:

Microsoft Azure: A comprehensive cloud computing platform offering an extensive array of cloud services such as computing, storage, networking, databases, analytics, and machine learning.

Microsoft 365: A subscription-based service that integrates productivity applications, cloud services, device management, and security features into a unified platform. It encompasses Office Apps, Cloud Services, Security and Compliance, Device Management, and Updates and Support.

Microsoft Dynamics Business Central: An all-in-one cloud-based Business Management solution crafted for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). It offers a single, adaptable, end-to-end solution customisable to manage all business processes efficiently.

Microsoft Power Platform: This contains a suite of Business Intelligence tools designed to streamline daily operations and maximise productivity. In particular, we offer support for Power BI, Power Apps, and Power Automate.

Learn more about our Microsoft Partnership.

Cyber Essentials in Peterborough

Cyber Essentials is a government-backed scheme designed to help organisations protect themselves from a wide range of cyber threats. By implementing Cyber Essentials, organisations can safeguard their data, systems, and networks against common cyber attacks, ensuring robust security and compliance. 

Our Cyber Essentials support service guides you through the certification process, providing expert advice on the necessary technical controls and best practices. From conducting a thorough security assessment to assisting with the implementation of security measures such as firewalls, secure configurations, user access controls, and malware protection, our team ensures your business meets all the requirements for certification.

Backup & Disaster Recovery in Peterborough

Having a robust Backup and Disaster Recovery plan is essential to protect your data and ensure business continuity in the event of a disaster. Whether it's due to human error, natural disasters, or a cyber attack, everyone in your organisation must know the appropriate actions to minimise downtime.

Our Backup and Disaster Recovery solution provides peace of mind by ensuring your data can be recovered quickly, reducing business interruptions. We collaborate with you to understand your business needs and the systems you use, recommending industry-leading cloud or disk-based backup solutions. This way, you can be confident that your systems and data can be restored efficiently in the face of any disaster.

Cyber Security Services in Peterborough

As an IT Support Provider, we are well aware of the necessity for robust Cyber Security measures in today's digital landscape. Our team is well-equipped to provide support in protecting your organisation against cyber threats. 

From implementing robust Firewall Solutions to conducting Cyber Security Audits and vulnerability assessments, we take a proactive approach to identifying and mitigating potential risks. Our expertise extends to providing guidance on best practices for data encryption, secure remote access, and Cyber Security training for your team. 

In the event of a security breach or incident, our swift response team is ready to spring into action, minimising downtime and mitigating the impact on your operations. With our dedicated focus on Cyber Security, you can trust us to keep your organisation's sensitive data and digital assets safe and secure.

Get to know us

The Sharp team are friendly, knowledgeable IT experts based in and around Peterborough. We offer local IT Support in Peterborough and our proximity to our clients means that we are near enough to build solid, long-lasting relationships and feel like part of your team. 

Contact us today to discuss how we can support your IT and technology needs in Peterborough.

Sharp UK Peterborough Office

Our Peterborough Office

Peterborough - Sharp UK

4 Commerce Road
Lynch Wood

(Customer Showroom)

case study
“We know it’s important to think about security by design and putting IT/ technology measures in place properly in the first instance, rather than as a result of something going wrong – which is why we always listen and adopt Sharp’s guidance.”
Kevin Cooper, Chief Finance Officer


Typing your username and password
“The average annual cost of cyber-crime for businesses is estimated at approximately £15,300 per victim.”
Cyber security breaches survey 2023

UK Government

Did you know...

55% of SMEs

havenʼt implemented multi-factor authentication

42% of SMEs

donʼt have strong password policies

60% of SMEs

havenʼt increased security training since moving to a hybrid working model

1/4 of SMEs

admitted to being the victims of a cyber attack