Firefly positive office interior design environment with many wooden and glass tables, sofa, coffee

The Impact of Office Interiors on Mental Health

In the dynamic landscape of contemporary business, achieving success requires more than traditional strategies; it demands an adaptive and forward-thinking approach. This blog will focus on the pressing challenges faced by businesses today, specifically employee mental health, we found that 743,000 UK employees take extended leave due to mental health issues according to BUPA, coupled with 1 out of 4 Brits reporting suffering from mental health annually. The toll of anxiety and stress represents a staggering 49% of all lost working days, resulting in a substantial annual loss of £56 billion for employers research suggests. These figures show the critical need for businesses to prioritise mental well-being by transforming their workspace to support employee's needs.  


How office interior design can help your business with diverse workplaces. 

The contemporary workplace has evolved to support new methods of work and cater to the individual needs of its employees, going beyond its traditional function as just a workspace. The office interior of a workplace plays a key role in cultivating a high-performing environment. As suggested by Harvard Business Review, it is important to grant employees the liberty to move freely and engage with their surroundings in a manner that best suits them. Organisations need to recognise the neurodivergent population, which is estimated to be 1 in 42 among boys and 1 in 189 among girls, becomes paramount for fostering inclusivity. This demographic encompasses individuals with conditions such as ADHD, dyslexia, or autism, who thrive in well-crafted flexible and sensory office interior. By accommodating neurodiversity, companies will   enhance employee well-being but create an office interior designed for innovation.  

Crafting workplaces that align with the evolving needs of employees is crucial for organisational success. According to Haworth Workplace Research, designated collaboration spaces contribute to a remarkable 51% increase in employee engagement and satisfaction. Creating a office interior which balances between collaborative and individual work will streamline efficiency and optimise productivity. 


Urging businesses to incorporate acoustic and biophilic design for employee individual happiness and inspiration. 

With shorter days ahead of us, it's revealed that one in three people in the UK struggle with Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), as reported by The Independent. The research indicates that 29% of adults face SAD symptoms during this period, encompassing low energy levels, low self-esteem, and anxiety. Of this group, 8% experience acute symptoms, while 21% contend with a milder form of subsyndromal SAD. The impact of SAD is particularly seen among office workers who are confined indoors during daylight hours, often lack sufficient exposure to sunlight due to extended working days and reduced daylight in the UK winter months. The consequences can be costly for businesses, as reported by Open Access Government. Considering this, incorporating natural light and greenery into your office environment can significantly impact your employee's mental health and wellbeing, potentially boosting their mood and motivating them.

Epson's survey, explores how organisations can enhance employee well-being, 33% of respondents want improved and natural lighting, while 27% express a desire for a more vibrant workspace by strategically placing greenery in the office interior. Furthermore, 20% of participants seek more creative visuals and colourful presentations. These findings illuminate the crucial relationship between workplace environments and mental well-being, businesses should foster biophilic designs and natural light to inspire and motivate your team.  



Our environment significantly impacts the way we view work, the transition from the traditional cubicle filled office spaces to thoughtfully redesigned spaces have great impacts on employees. The interior office design of a workplace is a clear insight into how a company may view and treat their staff - a good office furniture fit out solution can send a good message to those who come in, clients and employees alike.  

At Sharp UK, we know office interiors should capture the heart and soul of your business and each individual aspect should be taken into consideration. It is a business’ role to look after their employees, and our role to help them achieve this.  


Learn more about our office interior design services here.